Controlling Pests and Insects in Groundskeeping: Expert Tips and Techniques

Groundskeeping is an essential part of keeping a property looking its best, but it can also be a source of pests and insects. From rodents and cockroaches to birds and wildlife, these creatures are always on the lookout for sources of water to survive. To keep your property pest-free, it's important to understand the techniques that can be used to control pests and insects in groundskeeping. One of the most effective ways to control pests is to select herbs and plants that naturally repel them.

For instance, marigolds, chrysanthemums, daisies, and geraniums can help keep bees and other flying pests away. Avoid planting flowers that produce nuts, seeds, flowers, or full season fruits as these attract pests that seek food. Additionally, minimize ground-covering plants such as scattered yews and creeping junipers as they can provide a welcoming home for insects and rodents. Another way to control pests is to clean with essential oils and vinegar. These natural ingredients are effective at repelling pests while also being safe for the environment.

Additionally, using food waste to repel pests is an effective way to keep them away from your property. For example, citrus peels can be used to repel ants while coffee grounds can help keep slugs away. It's also important to eliminate all standing water on your property as this is a strong attraction for rodents. Improve drainage systems to ensure that water does not accumulate and use lawn irrigation with as little amount as possible. The irrigation system must be well maintained to ensure that the spray heads do not break or that the areas are overwatered.

Watering in the middle of the morning or early afternoon will allow the surface of the grass to dry before peak rodent activity. To reduce the entry of pests into your home, make sure it is inspected regularly by a licensed pest control professional and employ proper gardening practices. Installing a 3-foot strip of gravel, made of quarter-inch pebbles, around the entire perimeter of your facility can help prevent different pests from finding a way in. Additionally, prune trees and shrubs to increase their distance from the structure. Finally, it's important to understand what types of plants attract pests when designing your building's landscape. Keeping a garden diary is an excellent tool for recording not only the results of insect control methods but also of many garden-related tasks.

Work with your pest control professional to determine what types of plants and flowers are best to plant around your property.